Europe: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Trans-Siberian: Russia, Mongolia, China
After 31 days of leaving London, spending 10 hours on 3 different planes, 25 hours on 3 different
buses, 137 hours on 5 different trains, 7 countries later I arrived in Singapore. And boy I was happy. I remember reading
in the memoirs of Singapore’s first and finest PM Lee Kwan Yew (whom studied in Cambridge, UK many decades ago when
commercial flights were unheard of) about his passage to England that took 3 months between shores. I wasn’t brave enough
to attempt a complete overland journey between London and Singapore, but that hardly made my journey any less exciting. (for
details of travel refer to Blog dated between middle July and middle August)

Above: 1. Siberian landscape 2. Orange cliff at Olkhon Island, Lake
Baikal, Siberia 3. Shaman worship pillars, Siberia 4. Train stop between Irkutsk,
Russia and Ulaanbaatar
Below: 1. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2. Ger camp, Mongolia 3.
Girl and sheep, Mongolia 4. Girl in Ger, Mongolia
