Thai Boxing
"How was your day?" He asked
“Bad,” was my reply.
“Bad?” He sounded genuinely shocked, “Your day was bad?”
“Yes, very bad in fact,” I wrote an email earlier the day telling my boss exactly what I thought of him, “but you don’t want to know”
It surprised me that he found my reaction unusual. In a Thai boxing class, surely there are plenty of deeply frustrated souls trying to punch the light out of their invisible enemy. At least that was the big part of why I was there.
The torture began 6pm 15th May 2008. I had not felt this challenged since 11th July 1993. That faithful day, nearly 15 years ago was the first day I started training for martial arts under a sadistic Martial Arts instructor. Then my instructor said that he intends to push us to the limit of our physical tolerance and only the worthy ones shall last the full term. Being the rebellious (and stupid) teenage I was, when someone tells me that there is something I can’t do, I will rise above it and show him that I most certainly can do better. I lasted 4 years.
But yesterday, I can feel all the oldness in my body screaming for an early retirement. The only drive that motivated me through the 1 hour of agony was when thoughts of my miserable life takes over, my feeble arm that swing one last shot after another into the infinite brace pads of my training partner. “Just one more punch, you can do it,” howlers young and beautiful Katie.
The pain, oh the pain of morning after. I waddled to work and have trouble reaching for my tea mug. Part of me wondered if there was any chance for me to get my money back (now I know why they make you sign up for a 12 months membership), but on the other hand, this might be my shot to become that million dollar baby.
Posted by Ching Yin
at 10:45 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, 17 May 2008 10:52 AM JST