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Sunday, 2 November 2008
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Mood:  not sure
Topic: Life in Aussie

There is but deadly silence looming in the shop today.


I am tired now because I hadn't slept well for days and I spent the entire morning unloading and unpacking furniture, displaying the merchandises and cleaning up the store room.


Last night a colleague from Malaysia rang me and enquired about the state of our business. It was nice of her to show concern but with the world economy scaring the shit out of everyone now all retail businesses are suffering. After a year of struggle I no longer feel a sense of guilt for running such a disastrous venture, nor do words of consolation ease my conscience. The current state of affairs simply is, and for better or for worse the only way to cope with it is to deal with it full frontal.


I am excited about the prospect of reuniting with a nice young boy I met on my return flight to Melbourne recently. There is a huge degree of naivety in my desire to see him again yet after years of complexity and jadedness, something innocent and pure is too appealing to resist at this point in time.

Posted by Ching Yin at 11:47 AM WST
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